Unplanned Networking in the Dark
Severn Business Network usually meet at the Shrewsbury Town Football club, but as the club were unable to host us last week, our local photographer Mark Anderson came to the rescue and offered his venue as a perfect place for our morning breakfast networking event!
The breakfast baps ordered, lots of tea and coffee packed - we even remembered our business card box! What we didn't expect was due to the high demand of coffee (and at 7AM, we all do reach for the coffee!) the kettles blew the lights!! Even without light, we had a fun networking in the dark session and Mark wasn't going to let a dark room spoil the meeting!
We had a game of name-tag swap where members were invited to stand up and ask their partners three quick questions about their businesses. A great meeting, and an opportunity to hear more about how our fantastic members operation, started, and plans for the future!
If you’d like to come along to our next meeting, our friendly local electrician Graham should have sorted out the lights by then, we’d love to have you join us. Simply pop your details here, and we'll be in touch!