Its Our Birthday
Severn Business Network is 6 in July...
Our theme this morning was dress as a 6 year old....... toy guns were much in evidence of course..and Maria from the Centre for Integral Health wrote us the poem below:
I planned to write a poem but was rather short of time
So I searched upon the internet for something that would rhyme
A multitude of verses all happy, bright and gay
But nothing that quite fitted the Severn Business way
Six years ago today a group did get together
Not for idle chat or to talk about the weather
Business introductions were their first and foremost aim
A sixty second slot was allotted to explain
A rotating chairperson was ready with the bell
If your presentation took too long to tell
So before that happens, I'll send special birthday greetings
And wish you many years to come of successful breakfast meetings
You can see I'm not a poet
And if you don't already know it
I work from The Centre for Integral Health
In St Austins Friars
And offer help with aches and pains
Symptoms you can't get to the bottom of
And help you make changes in your life
However big or small